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Pure is currently working with advisers in evaluating ways to better measure the impact of the group's ecosystem approach. The goal is to establish a structured impact reporting framework that captures outputs, social metrics and more challenging outcomes, in a meaningful way. As an interim method of understanding group impact, some highlights have been collated to demonstrate metrics and indicators that have been captured so far. We believe the impact can be divided into three key areas:



Symbols of Hope
Symbols of Hope
Democratising Philanthropy
Democratising Philanthropy
The Pure Approach
The Pure Approach

B E C A U S E 

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As part of our own internal review of our impact we began a research project of a different kind, to examine the stories and deeper impact of our work. A big part of this was capturing the words and perspectives of the people in our ecosystem as well as the partners and communities whose lives are touched by the connection to our work, either directly or indirectly. What started as a review, has become a more powerful way to break down barriers, share stories and organically foster empathy. We hope this can show that our greatest impact, is how we strive to embody the change we want to see in the world.


                           Due for release in early 2026.

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